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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Matte Painting and the process

     Matte Painting is a painted landscape representation that is used in Film,Video, and CG. One reason for Matte Painting is that some scenes are impossible to film so artist create matte paintings to make the landscape believable to the viewers eyes. If you wanna see some great matte painting visit

    Now in my case I used Adobe Photoshop and Images to create my matte painting. The concept I was going for was an "Uncharted: Drakes Fortune" (Sony PlayStation video game) feel because I loved the video game so much and it inspires me. The way I came about this I was playing "Uncharted: Drakes Fortune" and I made it to "Chapter 6: Unlocking the past" I was blown away by the fortress, the level consist of broken down walls and rusted cranks and it was just beautiful. The vines and trees were covered  all over the fortress, giving it that ancient look and feel while playing the video game.

Below are my steps:



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