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Friday, May 18, 2012

The first part of the photo manipulation tutorial

   The part 1 of the photo manipulation tutorial of Rihanna is now posted on the YouTube. The tutorial was started with the photo of Rihanna placed on a white background.Then, the technique that was used to separate different parts of her face was via layer cut.Finally a clean up of the photo and then the video end for another 2nd part of the tutorial. Enjoy and learn great techniques and please subscribe to the YouTube channel.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Photo manipulation of Rihanna

This is a photo-manipulation of Rihanna that was done in Photoshop and a tutorial was also done of it. The photo-manipulation was made of filters,different types of brushes, gradient, pencil and curves that created this futuristic elegant mood. The tutorial will be posted on my YouTube channel real soon so become a subscriber, and learn the techniques that are used for manipulating photos.

Monday, May 14, 2012

In the 2d Lab working on my Demo Reel

In this video it shows that I was flipping the papers back and forth, the reason for this is to look where I am going to make my transition for my animation. Sometimes this may take a while to figure out like 5 to 10 min or sometimes even 15 to 30 min. It all depends if you have a difficult transition and if you do, then it will be 15 to 30min. This is one of the technical part of 2d animation that is a pain in the neck but the more you practice you will get over those fears. If you have trouble with your animations I suggest the "Animators Survival Kit". The kit consist of 1-16 disk of none stop animation techniques and there is also a book for it as well. Visit them at

Adobe illustrator work

       These are vectors I did of my friends in Adobe Illustrator from a photograph that was provided. I chose bright colors to give it a cartoon feel but still didn't lose there features.I enjoy doing vectors a lot especially around my leisure time. Doing vectors requires a whole lot of patients, I know a lot of people that don't have that, so they just don't touch Illustrator at all. Adobe Illustrator is a whole lot of of fun building vectors on top of vectors to create wonderful art. There is no stopping me from using this program and I am encouraging many of you artist to use Adobe Illustrator.  

 My vector work:

Futuristic Ninja Run Cycle Test

This is my futuristic ninja run cycle I am doing in 2d for my demo reel. It still needs a lot of work like my tween to make it look more fluently and believable that he is actually running. I looked at Naruto and Ninja Scroll for reference because I am not a ninja meaning I don't know how to run (joke have a sense of humor). What I got from Naruto and Ninja Scroll is that ninjas lean forward when they run and with there hands out like airplane wings. With these two elements combine it makes the character have balance. I am going to work on this animation some more to give it that feel of a real ninja we all could watch and enjoy.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Matte Painting and the process

     Matte Painting is a painted landscape representation that is used in Film,Video, and CG. One reason for Matte Painting is that some scenes are impossible to film so artist create matte paintings to make the landscape believable to the viewers eyes. If you wanna see some great matte painting visit

    Now in my case I used Adobe Photoshop and Images to create my matte painting. The concept I was going for was an "Uncharted: Drakes Fortune" (Sony PlayStation video game) feel because I loved the video game so much and it inspires me. The way I came about this I was playing "Uncharted: Drakes Fortune" and I made it to "Chapter 6: Unlocking the past" I was blown away by the fortress, the level consist of broken down walls and rusted cranks and it was just beautiful. The vines and trees were covered  all over the fortress, giving it that ancient look and feel while playing the video game.

Below are my steps: